Kelley Blue Book is the most trusted source of vehicle pricing and their Fair Market Value is based on what others have paid for similar cars. It’s a price that’s constantly updated based on real-time data and reflects the current conditions in your market. If you want to know what you should be paying for a vehicle, then KBB Fair Market Value is the perfect tool to use.
In fact, we do so right on our inventory web pages. That way you immediately know how our Upfront Price stacks up while you’re shopping for your next new vehicle.
Check out the short video below to learn more about KBB Fair Market Value and how it can help you determine a fair price and shop with confidence.
At Walser we offer a negotiation-free car buying experience which means the price you see is the price you get. Period. We show the Fair Market Value right on our website so that you know our Upfront Prices are fair and competitive. No haggling necessary. Check out our new inventory and start shopping to experience it for yourself.